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2006 Nissan Altima 3.5 SE FWD Automatic
Twin City Nissan Alcoa
Vin: 1N4BL11D66C175910
Mileage:183,312 Miles
Vehicle Details
Body Type:
4dr Car
Drive Type:
Highway/City MPG:
27 / 21
Gas V6 3.5L/220
Model Code:
Prices exclude tax, tag title and registration, dealer fee, and dealer installed accessories. Our price includes Nissan rebates and/or NMAC cash back and cannot be combined with APR Offers. While we make every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and transparency of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or lapses contained on our website. All payments are estimates on approved credit and subject to trade evaluation. We offer price quotes that do not include college graduate or military rebates since a low percentage of customers qualify. Many of our competitors automatically include both rebates in all of their price quotes. We mention this as a courtesy to help you get accurate price quotes while researching for your new vehicle Also, we do not include a separate charge for destination like some other dealers, as destination is already included in the MSRP from the factory. Please feel free to contact us to verify any information or any questions you may have.